Repetitive Flood Loss Area

Rep Loss Map

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the significance of a Repetitive Loss property.

It is the City’s responsibility to promote public awareness of flooding from disasters along with advising how to protect properties from becoming a repetitive loss structure.

  • A Repetitive Loss (RL) property is any insurable building for which two or more claims of more than $1,000 were paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) within any rolling ten-year period, since 1978.  A RL property may or may not be currently insured by the NFIP.

  • A Flood is a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of 2 or more acres of normally dry land area or of 2 or more properties (at least 1 of which is the policyholder’s property) from: Overflow of inland or tidal waters; Unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source; or Mudflow; or localize flooding.

City of Marco Island – Long-Term improvements for Flooding: The City of Marco Island participates in Collier County's Local Mitigation Strategy Working Group  (LMSWG).  The purpose of the group is to examine the hazards that confront people and property of Collier County and explore means to reduce the vulnerability to each hazard.  Essentially, the group prioritizes a project "wish-list" that achieves the goals contained within the county's Local Mitigation Strategy.  When monies become available, typically through a federal grant opportunity resulting from a disaster, the LMSWG submits a prioritized listing that goes with each grant application attesting to the fact that the project supports the community's hazard mitigation priorities. Please refer below, to the 2019 Annual Progress Report for updates on current projects.

How can a property owner protect their structure through Flood Mitigation: Depending on the type of structure and location there are several mitigation strategies that can help protect the structure and property from flood damage. FEMA Flood resistant materials. -

Have an engineer analyze the property to determine if there are drainage issue.

Through the State Department of Emergency Management's office flood mitigation grants are offered for private properties through a non-profit organization. -   

Report blocked ditches, swales, canals, and creeks: Help the City of Marco keep water conveyances free flowing to avoid potential flooding. Report to Public Works at 239-825-0571. If you live on a private road you are responsible for our maintenance.

Buy Flood Insurance

  • Homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover damage from floods.
  • There are two types of flood insurance: building and contents.
  • In most cases there is a 30-day waiting period before NFIP flood insurance policy will take effect.
  • Flood insurance is not just for homeowners and businesses, renters can buy a policy from the NFIP to cover their contents.Just like homeowner’s insurance, renter’s insurance does not cover flood loss.
  • To find local flood insurance agents you can call 1-800-427-4661 or go to

Many Ask: "Why would you need building or contents coverage living in a high-rise well above the predicted flood risk?"

Answer: "If the building's access to the structure becomes inoperable/damaged and you cannot access your unit for days, some items might be damaged from not being able to access your unit, from flood damage to the access areas."

Learn your flood hazard, flood evacuation, flood zone and flood map information. City of Marco Island Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). -

Flood Zone vs Evacuation Zone

Chose your Flood Warning Response

Code Red Alerts. -

The City of Marco Island uses CodeRED to send notifications by phone, email, text and Twitter to keep citizens informed of emergencies such as significant weather events (hurricanes), evacuation notices, floods, chemical spills, or other relevant general city situations.

There is no charge to register for or use CodeRED and your personal information will be kept confidential. 
To be notified of pending storm, hurricane, or other emergency situation information in the City of Marco Island, city residents, business owners and employees, and visitors are encouraged to sign up for CODE RED. 

CodeRED enables the City of Marco island to send voice, email, text and social media messages to thousands of citizens in minutes. The CodeRED system provides City of Marco Island officials the ability to quickly deliver messages to targeted areas or the entire city in an emergency event. 

ALERT Collier. -

When emergencies happen on Marco Island, we cannot alert you, if we can't reach you.

Marco Island encourages all residents to sign up for Alert Collier, the County's new mass notification system.  When you sign up with Alert Collier you can enter up to five addresses within the County boundaries that you would like to receive emergency alerts about. Enter your home, work, relative, school or any other address that's important to you. Should an alert be issued for that location, you will receive a notification.

You can sign up with your cell phone to receive calls and/or text messages, your email address(es), home phone, business phone and hearing impaired device. Collier County encourages you to also download the Everbridge Public Safety app (free in the iOS, Android and Windows app stores), this app will allow you to see all public notifications issued across the State and Country by other Everbridge users. Live in Lee county but work in another County? No problem you can receive their emergency alerts just by having the app installed.

Alert Collier, the caller ID our alerts will come from is 239-252-8000 and the short code our texts will come from is 89361 and 87844. Save Alert Collier as a contact today!

MICA Hurricane Preparation Guide: