CoMI Video Instructions - Public Searching the Citizen Self Service Portal




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Using the Public Search

Note that these public records are limited permit and plan case data going back to permits submitted October 1, 1998. This is not the interactive access to permits. We only give portal access to permit pullers. If you need more information than what is on this site, please submit a public records request. Also, if you are performing an estopple request, the City has a separate process for that.

Steps for performing a search:

1) At the portal click either "Search" from the main menu or "Search Public Records" from the information boxes on the main page. Both links take you to the same page.

2) At the search page change the Search pick list to "Permit" or "Plan" depending on the case type. When you do this additional criteria will appear on the page.

3) Remember that less is more, when searching.

4) Notice that the date range has two columns, one for the the start date of the query and one for the end date.

5) Be careful picking permit types, there are many variations.

6) Remember you can contact a permit clerk at for help.

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