Rebuild Florida

Rebuild Fl

Rebuild Florida is a program of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) created to help Florida’s long-term recovery efforts from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Irma. The state of Florida is committed to helping homeowners, small businesses and communities affected by this storm.

Rebuild Florida Housing Repair and Replacement Program
The Rebuild Florida Housing Repair and Replacement Program is helping eligible homeowners impacted by Hurricane Irma by repairing, rebuilding or replacing damaged homes across the hardest-hit communities. Because funding is limited, priority is given to low-income residents who are most vulnerable, including the elderly, those with disabilities and families with children under the age of 18, with later phases expanding to less vulnerable groups as funding allows.

Rebuild Florida Business Loan Fund
The Rebuild Florida Business Loan Fund, a resiliency loan fund provided through a partnership with the U.S. Economic Development Administration, is assisting businesses that experienced physical damage or economic injury from Hurricane Irma. It provides longer-term loans with higher funding levels at market interest rates. Up to $500,000 in financing can be provided to an eligible business for the following purposes: inventory purchases, construction or renovation, working capital needs, capital start-up loans, machinery and equipment purchases, equipment financing, and more.

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